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简介上海旅游景点介绍英语_上海旅游景点介绍英语作文       接下来,我将会为大家提供一些有关上海旅游景点介绍英语的知识和见解,希望我的回答能够让大家对此有更深入的了解。下面,我们开始探讨一下上海旅游景点介绍英语的话题。1











       Shanghai is a big city.There are many beautiful places in it.Such as YU Garden,Bend,Shanghai Art Museum and so on.I like the Art museum best because there are many colourful pictures in it.I love Shanghai very much.上海是个很大的城市,那儿有许多美丽的景点.例如,豫园,后滩,上海美术博物馆等等.我最喜欢美术博物馆,因为那儿有很多五彩的画.我爱上海.


       不夜城sleepless city

       沧海桑田ups and downs of time

       长江三角洲the Yangtze River Delta

       磁悬浮列车maglev train (magnetically levitated train); magnetic suspension train

       大都市metropolis; cosmopolis; metropolitan city; cosmopolitan city

       东方明珠塔Oriental Pearl TV Tower

       东海之滨的明珠the pearl on the coast of the East China Sea

       高架公路elevated highway; overhead highway

       高架立交桥overhead viaduct

       国际展览局BIE International Bureau of Exhibitions

       历史文化名城a famous historic and cultural city

       龙华寺Longhua Temple

       内环线the inner ring; the inner belt way; the inner loop

       浦东新区Pudong New Area

       轻轨火车light rail train; elevated rail train

       上海合作组织SCO Shanghai Cooperation Organization

       上海五国第六次峰会the sixth summit of “Shanghai Five”

       上海五国机制the Shanghai Five mechanism

       上海合作组织Shanghai Cooperation Organization (a six-member group founded in 2001 that includes Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan).

       申博成功successful bid for World Expo

       投资热点a hot/ popular investment destination

       万国建筑博览exhibition / gallery of International Architecture

       外滩the Bund


       黄浦江游cruise along the Huangpu River

       玉佛寺Jade Buddha Temple

       豫园Yu Yuan Garden

       直辖市municipality directly under Central Government

       外高桥保税区Waigaoqiao Bonded Zone/ Free-trade Zone

       张江高科技园区Zhangjiang High-tech Park

       金桥出口加工区Jinqiao Export Processing Zone

       陆家嘴金融贸易中心Lujiazui Financial and Trade Zone

       金贸大厦Jinmao Tower

       城隍庙Town God’s Temple

       上海国际会议中心Shanghai International Convention Center

       (南浦,杨浦,徐浦,卢浦)大桥Nanpu/ Yangpu/ xupu/ lupu (suspension) Bridge

       交通一卡通Metro pass

       (浦东)滨江大道Riverside Promenade

       外滩观隧道Sightseeing Tunnel at the Bund

       (浦东) 世纪公园Century Park

       上海体育馆Shanghai Stadium

       上海大剧院Shanghai Grand Theater

       上海科技馆Shanghai Science & Technology Museum


       科普教育基地a base for science education

       休闲旅游场所a venue for leisure and tourism

       展区exhibition area

       地壳探秘Earth’s Crust Exploration

       生物万象Wide Spectrum of life

       智慧之光Light of Wisdom

       视听乐园AV Paradise

       儿童科技园Children’s Technoland

       科普商场popular science shopping mall

       多功能厅multi-functional hall

       虹口足球场Shanghai Hongkou Football Stadium

       上海植物园Shanghai Botanical Garden


       松江大学城Songjiang College Town

       上海星级酒店star-rated hotels in Shanghai


       Peace Hotel 和平饭店

       Holliday Inn 假日酒店

       Pudong Shangri-la 香格里拉

       Renaissance shanghai Pudong 上海淳大万丽

       Portman Ritz-Carlton 波特曼丽嘉酒店

       the Grand Hyatt 金贸凯悦

       Hilton Shanghai 希尔顿

       Four Seasons 四季大酒店

       Equatorial Shanghai 赤道大酒店

       Regal International East Asia 富豪

       Marriott 万豪

       Radisson 雷迪森、瑞迪森

       Sheraton 喜来登

       Ramada 华美达

       Inter-Continental 洲际

       Sofitel Hyland 索菲特

       Westin 威斯汀

       St. Regis 瑞吉



       Yuyuan is a typical Chinese garden located in the heart area of downtown Shangahi. It is very hard to find such beautiful garden in current Shanghai because such lower structures take more land to serve less people comparing to the highrise buildings. Also, as a hot spot for travelers, you can not feel such wondeful feeling in a quite garden when you sit down on the stone bench beside the pool watching golden fishs' swimming. It is the most noise place in this city now with thousands and hundreds visitors from every parts of this world. Wonderful, at least, we still have such garden, at least everyone like it. The beautiful thing is always beauty.

       上海国际会议中心位于浦东滨江大道,与外滩隔江相望,与东方明珠一起组成小陆家嘴地区的一道著名的景观。 上海国际会议中心建筑总面积答11万平方米,拥有最为现代化的会议场馆,4300平方米的多功能厅和3600平方米的新闻中心以及各种大小规格的会议厅及会场近30个可以充分满足各类会务的需要,中心还拥有各式各样的豪华宾馆客房,高级餐饮设施和舒适的休闲场所等。2001年这里曾是APEC会议的主会场之一,这也使这里对游客而言更多了一份神秘色彩。



       The Oriental Riverside Hotel of Shanghai International Convention Center is located in the heart of Lujiazui – Shanghai’s Financial and Trade zone, adjacent to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower and facing the multinational styles of architecture along the Bund across the Huangpu River. The hotel opened for business in August 1999, covering the construction area of 110,000 m2. As the new landmark of Shanghai, it was appraised as one of the 10 classic buildings over the 50 years since the founding of the P.R. China. The hotel is easily accessible from all parts of the city with modern transportations and the metro line No.2 is well within reach. The hotel boasts 260 deluxe rooms, restaurants in different styles and diversified recreational and fitness facilities. With the capacity for 3000 persons, the Grand Ballroom on the 7th floor is by far the largest pillar-less multifunctional ballroom in our country. 28 additional meeting rooms in different sizes may meet various conference requirements.

       Situated in Pudong New Area,Standing 88floors and 1380feet (420meters)high,Jinmao Tower is the tallest building in China and the third tallest in the world.The upper floors of Jinmao contain the Shanghai Grand Hyatt,the highest hotel in the world.


       Cruise on the Huangpu River 黄浦江

       Cruising on the Huangpu River, visitors can gaze at the mighty skyscrapers, the Monument Tower to the People's Heroes, the famous Waibaidu Bridge and Huangpu Park on one bank, and the orient Pearl TV Tower, International Convertion Center, Jin Mao Building and the newly rising Pudong New Area on the other. The Yangpu and Nanpu bridges span the river. From the river, visitors can also view the ruins of ancient cannon emplacements and fortifications at Wusong and the magnificent view of the Yangtze River as it empties into the sea.

       The orient Pearl TV Tower 东方明珠

       The orient Pearl TV Tower is 468 meters high, the tallest in Asia and third tallest in the world. It faces the Bund across the Huangpu River. When viewed from the Bund, the tower and the Nanpu and Yangpu bridges create a vivid imagery known as "two dragons playing with a pearl." The sphere at the top has a diameter of 45 meters and is 263 meters above ground. The observation deck in the sphere offers a sweeping view of the city. The revolving restaurant is set at 267 meters above Pudong New Area. The dance ball, piano bar and 20 karaoke rooms, at 271 meters, are also opened to the public. The penthouse, which sits at 350 meters, has an observation deck, meeting room, and coffee shop. The tower integrates broadcasting technologies with sightseeing, catering, shopping, amusement, and accommodations. It has become the symbol of the city and a major tourist attraction in Shanghai.

       Chenghuang Miao Temple 城隍庙

       The Temple of the Town Deity is located south of Yuyuan Gardan. There used to be a temple to the local deity, whick the inhabitants believed would protect them, in every city. The city deities were frequently real persons to whom the town owed something. Today, an arts aand crafts store is in the temple.


       Shanghai Xintiandi in Shanghai is an historical and cultural character of the city tourist attractions, it is unique Shikumen Shanghai-based urban construction, into a world-class restaurants, business, entertainment, culture, leisure walking Street. Xintiandi is located in the city centre, south of Huaihai Road, Huangbeinanlu and Madang Road between 30,000 square meters of land, adjacent to Huangbeinanlu Station and the North-South, East and West of the intersection of an elevated road. The project is the construction of a new era of tradition and cultural life of the city tourist attractions, with its fusion of Chinese and Western, old and new combination of tone, Shanghai will be the traditional Shikumen Linong and full integration of contemporary new construction.

       上海景点英语-旅游英语2007-11-12 11:45南京路步行街Nanjing Road, Pedestrian StreetE学地带 ~ u z K Z } `

       南京路商业街Nanjing Road Shopping Street

       &a9\/@%y @%K!} q t!q7A Y R0南京路商务楼Office Buildings along Nanjing Road

       .R x8i5B,T c0南京路工贸中心Nanjing Road Industrial Trade Center

       { J R%L/k9L q w0闸北区不夜城夜景Night View of Ever bright Town in Zhabei DistrictE学地带 O e U7k f'K ~5v U

       上海宝山钢铁总厂Shanghai Baosteel Group Corporation

       &h O G*| S$W s(A b x0上海经济技术开发区Shanghai Economic and Technological Development ZoneE学地带 } D#Y2n J

       上海国际会议中心Shanghai International Convention Center

       5a!v5p3Z:f0_ S b0上海农业展览馆Shanghai agricultural Exhibition Hall

{3E8[ [ v1?0上海书城Shanghai City of BooksE学地带 y O F(c s M M

       上海大剧院Shanghai Grand Theater

       6D!y _;y.F%e;M0上海影城Shanghai Film Art CenterE学地带0z$k*W#R c2t U g

       上海马戏城Shanghai Circus WorldE学地带 w$U5D U N }8| j W"U v

       浦东远东大道Yuandong Freeway, PudongE学地带 w8d5r0t1T v,]&} @ L [

       浦东国际机场Pudong International Airport

       !u;s2E y'` Q&t i a&K*f!k g0豫园商城Yuyuan Shopping Center

       y&\ L!m#O P*g9_0上海老街Shanghai Traditional StreetE学地带 r%F c w#v*Z8[ x&J P(S

       外滩风景View along the bundE学地带 t%{4J y U

       上海展览中心Shanghai Exhibition Center

       I G9Y R)r w {8h2@ f |0外高桥保税区Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone

       +[ \;i*W._3o i t7k [0张江高科技园区Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park

       d D i C1Z+q2} i @0东视大厦Shanghai Oriental Television Tower

       C A/v9@ K.H v X h q0上视大厦Shanghai Television Tower

       q s%d&w r Y Y0东方明珠电视塔Oriental Pearl TV Tower

       F2\#c d-^$u*Z z E0广播大厦Shanghai Broadcasting Station

       !u%s W;b9t X/u ?:e0延安路高架Yan’an Road ViaductE学地带9r y m!x L2\

       黄浦江人行隧道Pedestrian Tunnel undercross the Huangpu River

       5F9T!@"h a h n4Q P0外环线The Outer Ring

       "l k Q } ^ U(l%Y9G0内环线The Inner-ring RoadE学地带)o(t [*J Q B O x C


       &^ | H$p R5F u U0高速公路ExpresswayE学地带 i m w$h Z4}

       南北高架The North-south Viaduct, North-south Elevated Road

       E;x2~ G E9R0市中心高架枢纽Interchange in the downtown

       B2?&U l r#B y X B0苏州河整治段Harnessing Section of the Suzhou CreekE学地带 z ^)l+] K U f j&E d

       上海体育场Shanghai Sports Center

       } ?;|"H ]1Z)m0上海曲棍球赛场Shanghai Hockey FieldE学地带 p b4p K;q q b L

       上海自行车赛场Shanghai Racing FieldE学地带 q K7M l }/y8r o-X

       上海水上运动场Shanghai Water Sports Center

       Q l%c&B!P0上海盲童学校Shanghai Deaf-mutes SchoolE学地带 j Y0Z X F3|

       商贸区Commercial and Trade SubzoneE学地带 E:T H+g } g

       别墅villasE学地带 U;g g p \ z2R k z0l I'r {

       新村Residential Quarter

       2Q } I X [-M |0苑Yuan, Residential Estate

       'f%`1r C P C5u w0c0小区Residential Area/QuarterE学地带*h8e"j-}1~ n$s \ D X

       名都城Mandarin City

       { D7u ?2B;I ? o N Q0上海石化总厂Shanghai Petrochemical Company Ltd.E学地带 z8W/P u c;M0V

       上海工人文化宫Shanghai Worker’s Cultural PalaceE学地带:@#p P _ y2S

       上海煤气厂Shanghai Gas Works

       "s v N&W o i0上海污水厂Shanghai Waste Water Treatment PlantE学地带 { F&p n L-[

       上海集装箱码头Shanghai Container TerminalE学地带 ^+O![ E+x ~1^

       高层住宅High-rise flatsE学地带0` a o F X E0p

       焦化总厂Coking and Chemical CrporationE学地带 { i q4H ?

       金桥出口加工区Jinqiao Export Processing ZoneE学地带(k;t2o ~ { m1o*] m

       浦东陆家嘴核心区全景The Panorama of Lujiazui Center Area

       t9I s ^ A"E%` Y }0玉佛寺Jade Buddha Temple

       i-X i1E+j C t0~!K C*C7H0龙华寺Long Hua Temple

       2e L h ~:V R q q2T0上海博物馆Shanghai Museum

       h;D&n)r R&B%n0上海体育馆Shanghai Stadium

       d&X K)K [ a T0上海华联商厦Shanghai Hualian Commercial BuildingE学地带 b {*U4V G y E-h Y

       上海第一百货商店Shanghai No.1 Department StoreE学地带 b l2_ `2b-u z2M M S8n

       上海动物园Shanghai Zoo

       H e V6h x h0上海植物园Shanghai Botanical GardenE学地带 r L a p F%Y%W E s ~#Q q

       上海野生动物园Shanghai Wildlife ParkE学地带#x9K o K h Z j,i(] A1V i N

       金茂大厦Jinmao Building/TowerE学地带 ? D o(g d ] L

       上海工艺品商店Shanghai Arts and Crafts ShopE学地带's B J!p R

       上海友谊商店Shanghai Friendship Store

       Z;c+z K X S0轻轨elevated railway, light railE学地带&} Q P/g K X O



       1. 上海一日游 英语作文 100字

        The other day I went to the park. And unexpectedly I found in a deserted eorner, a cheerytree in full bloom, just like the kind of flowers I used to see in my former school, Xian Jiaotong University, light pink in color. To my delight, a sense of familiarity welled up in my mind. At the same time I could not kelp sighing that life is just like the cheery flowers, beautiful but transient. True to my prediction, in the afternoon I ran to the park. There was nothing left but the tender igs. The flowers fell thick on the ground as if the spring wind were also sad about it and would not bring itself to blow on them and left them scattered everywhere. Fortunately outside it is a beautiful world. The snow whitepear flowers were glistening as if they were blooming in your face, The roses and peonies were all in bloom, vying silently with each other for beauty. Spring is really the best season of the year.公园一日 有一天,我到公园去,无意中在一个不起眼的角落看见樱花盛开,就像我曾在我的母校——西安交通大学——看过的那种粉红色的花一样。






2. 上海一日游 英语作文 100字

        The other day I went to the park. And unexpectedly I found in a deserted eorner, a cheerytree in full bloom, just like the kind of flowers I used to see in my former school, Xian Jiaotong University, light pink in color. To my delight, a sense of familiarity welled up in my mind. At the same time I could not kelp sighing that life is just like the cheery flowers, beautiful but transient.

        True to my prediction, in the afternoon I ran to the park. There was nothing left but the tender igs. The flowers fell thick on the ground as if the spring wind were also sad about it and would not bring itself to blow on them and left them scattered everywhere.

        Fortunately outside it is a beautiful world. The snow whitepear flowers were glistening as if they were blooming in your face, The roses and peonies were all in bloom, vying silently with each other for beauty. Spring is really the best season of the year.





3. 高三英语作文 上海一日游

        a bunch of foreign teenagers came into my school and studied as exchange students this semester and they soon became my good friends,so I guided them and had a one-day-tour in Shanghai last weekend.As an international city,Shanghai is famous for its man-made scence,so we visited Pudong New Distrct.It was very wonderful that the sensational and gous skyscrapers,tidy streets did deeply incent us and we began to praise the greatness of human beings's technology.At noon,we moved to another place to enjoy famour Shanghai snacks.We ate crab-brown flaky pastry,mashed date flaky pastry,cold noodle with sauce and sponge cake made by lard and fruits and many others which i couldn't name them.We ate like pigs.What a great weekend!。

4. 用英语介绍上海一日游

        Shanghai is the biggest city which lies on the east coast of China. It's on the River Chang Jiang, too. It's older, bigger and busier than Dalian. The buildings are taller and population is over ice larger than that of Dalian-13 million. The weather there is neither too hot nor too cold. Lots of places of interest attract visitors from other countries all the year round. I would like to work there to make more money when I grow up. It's one of the largest trade centers in the world。

5. 写一篇关于去上海旅游的英语作文

        Shanghai Travel and Tours Guide

        Located at the center of the mainland's coastline, Shanghai has long been a major hub of munications, transportation, and international exchange. The municipality covers an area of 6,341 square kilometers and has a population of more than 13.5 million. Shanghai is China's largest economic prehensive industrial base, and a famous historical and cultural city.

        The city consistently attracts investment and is seen as an ideal venue for business gatherings. It is also a must on any agenda during a tour of China. Shanghai has fostered a prehensive transportation neork that incorporates land, sea, and air travel, as well as a convenient urban transportation system. More than 300 airlines serve the city, proving direct flights to more than 20 countries and regions. The addition of the Shanghai Pudong International Airport, which went into operation in 1999, is expected to increase the annual passenger volume to some 20 million.



6. 英语短文,上海一日游,不要网上的,急

        Dear friends,As we are on holidays now, why not to have a trip? It is not far to Shanghai from our city and we can have some wonderful days there. Therefor, I have got an idea to invite all of you to go there for some days. I think we'd better start off at Oct. X and take the train at X o'clock. I hope we will meet one another at the station on time that day. I have got a new camera to take along with us so that we can have some pictures taken of the city and ourselves in memory. What do you think about it? If you have any better idear, please tell me soon. I can get ready for it. Do e and join me. I am looking forward to your replies.Yours ever, XX。

7. 以假如你们一家打算下周去上海旅游写一篇英语作文

        my parents.The weather was bad.It was raining all day long.We tried to go to some places of interest such as the Bund and the Oriental Pearl TV Tower.However,it was very crowded.Because of the rain,we couldn't see things clearly.We went shopping later.The things were also very expensive,so we didn't buy anything.We didn't do a lot of things during the trip.The trip was boring and I didn't have a good time.


8. 描写上海的一个景点的英语文章

        Shanghai Travel and Tours Guide (ZT)Located at the center of the mainland's coastline, Shanghai has long been a major hub of munications, transportation, and international exchange. The municipality covers an area of 6,341 square kilometers and has a population of more than 13.5 million. Shanghai is China's largest economic prehensive industrial base, and a famous historical and cultural city. The city consistently attracts investment and is seen as an ideal venue for business gatherings. It is also a must on any agenda during a tour of China. Shanghai has fostered a prehensive transportation neork that incorporates land, sea, and air travel, as well as a convenient urban transportation system. More than 300 airlines serve the city, proving direct flights to more than 20 countries and regions. The addition of the Shanghai Pudong International Airport, which went into operation in 1999, is expected to increase the annual passenger volume to some 20 million. Special tourist trains running beeen Shanghai and the neighboring provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, as well as tourist bus routes along newly-constructed expressways, offer great convenience for regional travel. Shanghai has more than 400 travel agencies to assist visitors, and the 127 star-rated hotels offer a total of 40, 000 guest rooms. Visitors to Shanghai are not only dazzled by the modern metropolis and gateway to a developing China, but are also able to immerse themselves in the unique Shanghai culture, a bination of Chinese and Western elements. Colorful festivals and celebrations dot the yearly Shanghai activities calendar, such as the Shanghai Nanhui Peach Blossoms Festival, Shanghai International Tea Culture Festival and Shanghai China International Art Festival. Shanghai has also introduced special tour packages aimed at the different interests of visitors, such as bicycling tours, hiking tours, gourmet tours, rehabilitation and health care tours, study tours, Japanese young women's tours, honey moon tours, and convention and exhibition tours. The Bund The well-known Bund is a must for visitors to Shanghai. Fifty-o buildings lining the narrow shoreline of the Huangpu River offer a living exhibition of Gothic, Baroque, Roman, Classic Revival and Renaissance architectural styles, as well as binations of Chinese and Western styles. They are also a condensation of the recent history of the city. The wide embankment offers ample room for strolling and is used by locals for morning exercises and evening gatherings. In the evening, colorful lights illuminate the area and create a shimmering image deserving of the name Pearl of the Orient. The Yu Garden The Yu Gardens are a classical landscape in the Southern Chinese style with a history of more than 400 years. Pavilions, halls, rockeries and ponds display the finest in landscaping from the Southern style as seen in the Ming and Qing dynasties. More than 40 landscapes were ingeniously separated by latticed walls, winding corridors, and lattice windows. People's Square People's Square has bee the political and cultural center in Shanghai since 1994, when it was rebuilt. In and around the square are a massive fountain named the Light of Huangpu River, 10,000 square meters of lawns, six groups of relief carvings that depict the history of Shanghai, the New Shanghai Museum, the offices of the municipal government, an underground shopping plaza, the Shanghai Grand Theater and the Shanghai Exhibition Center The Orient Pearl TV Tower The Orient Pearl TV Tower is 468 meters high, the tallest in Asia and third tallest in the world. It faces the Bund across the Huangpu River. When viewed from the Bund, the tower and the Nanpu and Yangpu bridges create a vivid imagery known as "o dragons playing with a pearl." The sphere at the top has a diameter of 45 meters and is 263 meters above ground. The observation deck in the sphere offers a sweeping view of the city. The revolving restaurant is set at 267 meters above Pudong New Area. The dance ball, piano bar and 20 karaoke rooms, at 271 meters, are also opened to the public. The penthouse, which sits at 350 meters, has an observation deck, meeting room, and coffee shop. The tower integrates broadcasting technologies with sightseeing, catering, shopping, amusement, and acmodations. It has bee the symbol of the city and a major tourist attraction in Shanghai. Cruise on the Huangpu River Cruising on the Huangpu River, visitors can gaze at the mighty skyscrapers, the Monument Tower to the People's Heroes, the famous Waibaidu Bridge 。

9. 英语短文:一次上海旅游

        Today I went to Shanghai. Shanghai's good scenery, from the riverbanks, yelling Xuxude wind, feeling very unfortable.

        At the Shanghai is a sleepless city and there were scenes of sight. Major shopping malls many customers


        The bund, located on the huangpu river in the huangpu district of Shanghai, is a historical and cultural block of China.Since 1844, the area of the bund has been divided into the British concession, which is a true reflection of Shanghai's ten-mile western concession and also the starting point of the old Shanghai concession area and the whole modern city of Shanghai.


        The total length of the bund is 1.5km, starting from yan 'an east road in the south to waibai ferry bridge on the suzhou river in the north, huangpu river in the east and the old Shanghai financial and foreign trade institutions in the west.


        There are 52 classical revival buildings of different styles on the bund, which is known as the bund international architecture exhibition group. It is one of the important historical relics and representative buildings in modern China and one of the landmarks of Shanghai.




        外滩(英文:The Bund;上海话拼音:nga thae),位于上海市黄浦区的黄浦江畔,即外黄浦滩,为中国历史文化街区。1844年(清道光廿四年)起,外滩这一带被划为英国租界,成为上海十里洋场的真实写照,也是旧上海租界区以及整个上海近代城市开始的起点。

        外滩全长1.5公里,南起延安东路,北至苏州河上的外白渡桥,东面即黄浦江,西面是旧上海金融、外贸机构的集中地。上海辟为商埠以后,外国的银行、商行、总会、报社开始在此云集,外滩成为全国乃至远东的金融中心。民国三十二年(1943年)8月,外滩随交还上海公共租界于汪伪国民 *** ,结束长达百年的租界时期,于民国三十四年(1945年)拥有正式路名中山东一路。







        The bundShanghai's bund night was charm and attractive.Shanghai is a *** art city,if you were not a very *** art person,you aren't a local person you shouldn't be have more chance to stay in Shanghai.Look at Shanghai's flourishing you should be have a look the bund and Pudong's develop. I like bund very much.I like see the night scene in the evening.I always with my friends goes to the bund to see around.I think that Shanghai's night just like London's big ben.Very beautiful and shining,shimming.Accept the Shanghai's bund,Hu bei and Ningbo also have got the bund.Shanghai's bund is beautiful than Ningbo's bund.Ning bo's bund not very beautiful than Shanghai.Shanghai is a fast pace city.If you were see the bund you will know this.外滩上海外滩的晚上是迷人并且富有吸引力的。













英语作文60词 去上海,写外滩城隍庙 急需 感谢!

        The Bund (Wai Tan) is one of the symbols of Shanghai.Located along the Huangpu River, the Bund shows off Shanghai's outstanding foreign buildings, most of which were erected before 1937. To the Europeans, the Bund was Shanghai's answer to Wall Street. 大概意思就是指外滩是上海的标志之一。





英语作文帮忙写一篇关于和家人一起去上海旅游的 英语作文 在线...

        开头省略了my parents. The weather was bad. It was raining all day long. We tried to go to some places of interest such as the Bund and the Oriental Pearl TV Tower.However, it was very crowded. Because of the rain, we couldn't see things clearly. We went shopping later. The things were also very expensive, so we didn't buy anything. We didn't do a lot of things during the trip. The trip was boring and I didn't have a good time.天气很糟糕,整天都下雨。









        ShanghaiShanghai is in the east of China. Many years ago, it was a *** all fishing village. Only a few thousand people lived there. People were fishermen. But today Shanghai is a big modern city. It is the biggest city in China. And it is also one of the largest cities in the world. It has an area of about six thousand, three hundred and forty square kilometers. More than thirteen million people live there. They do many different jobs. There are workers, doctors, nurses, teachers, engineers, artists and so on. Shanghai is also more beautiful than before. There are now many tall buildings and green areas. Shanghai is developing very fast. People there are living a happy life.


        Shanghai Brief IntroductionThroughout the past century, Shanghai has had numerous name tags attached to it; like "Paris of the Orient" and "Pearl of China". Images of Shanghai more than any other Chinese city, are bountiful in the west. A visit here therefore, is naturally tainted to some extent, with a preconception of how the city will be.As the largest and most prosperous city in the nation, Shanghai is the economic, financial and cultural center of China, while Beijing is the political heart. And this image of Shanghai as a fast and modern metropolis is certainly the one that most visitors take away. Those old preconceptions of Shanghai as the home of crime vice and prostitutes are wiped away, as the city successfully projects an image of itself as young, vibrant and cool.Shanghai is a modern and fast paced city, rich in history and culture and with a wealth of areas and sites just waiting to be explored. One of the nicest aspects of Shanghai is that the crowds here are much more manageable than in a city like Beijing. This is largely because there are no great ancient sites which people flock to. Rather, this is a city to be walked, wandered, explored and discovered in your own time and, in your own style.What makes Shanghai particularly attractive are the many different styles of architecture and design throughout the city. Shanghai was once divided up into different "Concessions" or districts and the boundaries of these areas still remain today. The famous, Bund was home to the "British Public Park" and this boulevard has a plethora of colonial structures to visit, all reminders of Shanghai's days of decadence. The Japanese and the French Concessions too, are fascinating areas to explore. The French Quarter is a particularly charming district to wander, and there are many former residences to look at and discover something about old Shanghai and the people who lived here. The area known as the "Chinese City" is also worthy of a visit. Take a break from the tourists around the Yuyuan and do some serious antique shopping or just lose yourself amidst the old alleys and streets.But perhaps most of all today, Shanghai is a spectacularly modern city. The pace of development here is unbelievable. Currently, seventeen percent of the world's cranes are in the city and developers boast that the city is changing at a rate inparable to anywhere else in the world ever. The newest area of the city, Pudong, has just celebrated its 10th anniversary and is almost unrecognizable from the way it was when development began here. Two of the most impressive city structures can be found here, the Jinmao Tower and the Oriental TV Tower.For any visitor to China, perhaps the most attractive thing about this city is just how fashionable it is. Museums, galleries, restaurants and bars have emerged in the past few years. This co *** opolitan cultural scene which harks back to the heydays of the 1920s and 30s and the new found wealth in the city are helping to reinvent Shanghai as a place with a fabulous and optimistic style and attitude. 上海简介 在过去的世纪,上海已经有多次的名字给它附加标签,如“东方巴黎”和“中国珍珠”。





        上海的这些作为犯罪和卖* *** 家里的旧偏见被消灭了,作为一个城市的成功项目本身的形象,年轻,充满活力和凉爽。
















初中英语作文去年暑假,Mary 和她的父母去了上海度假,他们去了东...

        Last Summer, Mary went to Shanghai with her parents for the summer vocation. Mary's family had a great time in Shanghai. They went to many famous tourist attractions in Shanghai. For example, they went to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, the Bund, the Town God's Temple, and the Century Park. They took a lot of pictures and bought many souvenirs. Mary showed the pictures to her friends and they all wanted to go to Shanghai. 去年暑假 Mary和她爸妈去上海度假。





















        让我们踏着石 阶一层层地盘旋而下,到达碑底。







        转载请注明出处 ? 上海外滩的英语介绍


       The Oriantal Pearl's Tower 东方明珠

       Yu Garden 豫园

       Shanghai Science & Technology Museum 上海科技馆

       Jing'an Temple 静安寺

       Jinmao Skyscraper 金茂大厦

       Jinjiang Park 锦江乐园

       The Bund 外滩

       Town's God Temple 城隍庙

       Where to go in Shanghai depends largely on your time period of interest.

       For Imperial China, check out the Yuyuan Gardens with interesting buildings but a bit too much tourist oriented.

       For 1930s Shanghai, head for the stately old buildings of the Bund. Or pay a visit to The French Concession (close Huai Hai Park).

       For 21st-century Shanghai, cross the river to gawp at the skyscrapers of Pudong.

       To find some peace, you should visit the Lknghua Temple. It takes a while to get there but it's not as busy as the Jade Buddha Temple and the experience is fulfilling. You can also have a nice vegetarian Buddhist meal in both Temples.

       这些都是笼统的介绍了,汗 只能找到这么多,如果你分开每个景点都去找相关主页,应该有提供英文简介。


       老城隍庙 Town God's Temple

        豫园 Yuyan Garden

        南京路 Nanjing Road

        外滩 the Bund

        新外滩 the new Bund

        玉佛寺 Jade Buddha Temple

        锦江乐园 Jindjiang Amusement Park

        徐家汇天主教堂 Xujiahui Cathedral

        上海影城 Shanghai Film Ceter

        上海工业展览馆 Shanghai Industrial Exhibition Hall

        上海博物馆 Shanghai Museum

        上海图书馆 Shanghai Library

        上海体育馆 Shanghai Stadium

        上海植物园 Shanghai Botanical Garden

        孙中山故居 Former Residence of Dr.San Yatsen

        黄浦江游 Cruise Along the Huangpu River

        东方明珠电视塔 Oriental Pearl TV Tower

        人民广场 The People's Square

        上海大剧院 Shanghai Grand Theatre

        世纪公园 Shanghai Century Park

        上海城市规划展示馆 Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center(SUPEC)

        金茂大厦 Jinmao Tower

        上海科技馆 Shanghai Science & Technology Museum

        静安寺 Jing'an Temple

        上海佘山国家旅游度假区 Shanghai Sheshan National Holiday Resort

        共青森林公园 GongQing Forest Park
